His son, Barry, took over the reins in 1965 and now Barry’s sons, Jay and David operate the business with three generations of experience and know-how behind them. What began as a small Detroit diesel engine dealer has grown into a factory-authorized full sales and service dealership for every major marine diesel engine and transmission brand worldwide.
Family Owned &
Operated for over
4 Generations!
We are dedicated to providing our customers with the best and latest in Marine Equipment
Whether it be engines, transmissions generators or hardware Rhode Island Engine Co. Inc. will provide quality above all. Contact us today for a free estimate or to discuss your specific application.

Marine Engines
- Cummins Onan Marine
- Caterpillar Marine
- Scania
- John Deere
- Detroit Diesel

Marine Transmissions
- Twin Disc Marine Transmissions
- ZF Marine Marine Propulsion Systems & Transmissions
- Reintjes

Used Equipment
- Commercial Fishing Vessels
- Tug Boats
- Work/Utility Boats
- Ferries
- Fire Boats
- Emergency Response Vessels

Marine Hydraulics
- Oilgear Marine Hydraulics
- Aeroquip
- Hagglunds Drive Systems
- Pullmaster
- Parker Hannifin

Marine Generators
- Northern Lights Marine Generators
- Caterpillar
- John Deere
- Cummins Onan Marine
- Kohler